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RobotStudio Tool Definition Workflow

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

Step 1: Model the tool

Model/Import the tool into Rhinoceros 6

Step 2: Export the model as a (*.stl) file - 02:30

Select the parts of the tool that you want to export to RobotStudio. Then go to File>Export Selected>*Choose the path/folder where you want to save the file in the Export Window*>*Name the file in the Export Window*>*Under 'Save as type' in the Export Window, choose STL (Stereolithography)(*.stl) from the drop-down menu*>Save

The STL Mesh Export Options window will pop-up. Leave the Tolerance at the default value of 0.01 millimeters. Next, in the STL Export Options window, leave the File type on Binary and other options as they are and hit 'Ok'.

Step 3: Import the (*.stl) model of the tool into RobotStudio - 03:15

Drag and drop the (*.stl) file into RobotStudio to import the tool into the environment. Confirm that the tool has imported successfully by checking Layout> *name of your tool*. If you double-click on the name, it will locate and zoom to fit the model in the center of your screen.

Step 4: Create a tool on RobotStudio - 03:58

Go to the Modeling tab> Mechanism> Create Tool.

In the Create Tool window, first assign a name to the tool.


Next, under the 'Select Component' section, select 'Use Existing', and choose your model from the drop-down menu.

Proceed by assigning some mass to the tool under the 'Mass' tab. You may use a default value of 2 or 3, if you're not sure about the mass, but make sure it is a positive number.

Locate the tool's center of gravity and assign it in the section. The red input tab represents the x-axis values, green represents the y-axis values and blue represents the z-axis values. Be careful with the units while inputting the values. Hit ;Next;.

It will proceed to ask about TCP Information - Enter a name for the TCP. of the tool.

Next, head back into Rhinoceros 6 and measure the height of the tool from the base to the TCP.. Enter the value in the Position section, within the blue tab (z axis). Repeat the process to check the orientation of the tool in Rhinoceros 6 and add the value in the orientation section, under the blue tab (z axis). Make sure you add the new TCP values by clicking on the arrow button and then click on 'Done'.

The tool should now have a TCP, showcasing the X, Y, Z axis and orientation, relative to the model of the tool.

Step 5: Attach the tool to the robot - 06:05

Attach the tool to the robot by selecting the tool in the layout tab, dragging it and dropping it over the desired robot, in the same tab.

You should be prompted with a "Update position" window:, in which you should select 'Yes'.

Step 6: Check the tool against paths/targets - 06:22

Go to the 'Home' tab in the ribbon, and under the Settings>tool tab, select your tool. Next, choose the 'View Robot at target" option under the Home>Path Programming tab. Finally, in the side window, under the Paths&Targets>Workobjects & Targets, select your target and check the alignment of the tool's TCP to the targets'.

Step 7: Synchronize to RAPID - 06:48

Under the Home>Controller in the GUI Ribbon Tab, from the drop down menu under 'Synchronize', select the 'Synchronize to RAPID...' option.

It should open up a window that reads 'Synchronize to RAPID' . Under the ToolData section, you should see the tool you just created. Select the checkbox tin between the tool name and the robot drop-down menu and hit 'OK'.

Now, under the 'RAPID' tab in the Ribbon window, you should see a new line of code starting with 'PERS tooldata *name of your tool* ...........' added.

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